
TheNorthAmericanAerospaceDefenseCommand(NORAD)isaUnitedStatesandCanadabi-nationalorganizationchargedwiththemissionsofaerospacewarning, ...,LearnabouthowandwhyNORADtracksSanta.WatchvideosaboutSanta'sjourneyandhearspecialholidaygreetingsfromeachofourCommands.,2023年12月23日—美國「北美防空司令部」(NORAD)24日延續歷年耶誕節傳統,在科羅拉多州皮特森空軍基地,直播第68屆「追蹤耶誕老人」行動,儘管北半...


The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a United States and Canada bi-national organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning, ...

NORAD Tracks Santa

Learn about how and why NORAD tracks Santa. Watch videos about Santa's journey and hear special holiday greetings from each of our Commands.

NORAD「追蹤耶誕老人」 平安夜臨海飛越臺西

2023年12月23日 — 美國「北美防空司令部」(NORAD)24日延續歷年耶誕節傳統,在科羅拉多州皮特森空軍基地,直播第68屆「追蹤耶誕老人」行動,儘管北半球多地遭逢寒流與大雪 ...

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

The North American Aerospace Defense Command conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the defense of North America.

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

1639 projects. in 100 countries, with 868 partners, received funds in 2022. Get an overview of projects and partners for Norwegian development aid.

Official NORAD Tracks Santa

For over 60 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa's flight. Follow Santa as he makes his magical ...


北美空天防禦司令部(英語:North American Aerospace Defense Command,簡稱北美防空司令部(NORAD),原稱北美防空司令部)是一個由美國和加拿大共同組成的軍事 ...


北美空天防禦司令部(英語:North American Aerospace Defense Command,簡稱北美防空司令部(NORAD),原稱北美防空司令部)是一個由美國和加拿大共同組成的軍事 ...