
gloggispartofallrecentUbuntudistributions.Toinstall,simplyclickhere:apt:gloggorinstallmanuallyusingtheSoftwareCentre.Debian.,2023年12月12日—DownloadGlogg1.1.4forWindows.Fastdownloadsofthelatestfreesoftware!Clicknow.,Glogg是一个开源GUI程序,用于在基于Windows的系统上搜索和浏览大型或长日志文件。它的设计考虑了系统管理员和程序员,专门供系统管理员使用。它不是一个非常用户友好的 ...,gloggisamulti-plat...


glogg is part of all recent Ubuntu distributions. To install, simply click here: apt:glogg or install manually using the Software Centre. Debian.

Download Glogg 1.1.4 for Windows

2023年12月12日 — Download Glogg 1.1.4 for Windows. Fast downloads of the latest free software! Click now.

下载Glogg 1.1.4 Windows 版

Glogg 是一个开源GUI 程序,用于在基于Windows 的系统上搜索和浏览大型或长日志文件。它的设计考虑了系统管理员和程序员,专门供系统管理员使用。它不是一个非常用户友好的 ...


glogg is a multi-platform GUI application that helps browse and search through long and complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system ...

glogg — glogg

Download · Mailing List · Contributing · Legal Notice. glogg - the fast, smart log explorer. glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search ...


Download Glogg 1.1.4. An app that allows users to quickly and easily open up and read log files.


2023年12月12日 — Glogg is an open-source and small but powerful cross-platform log viewer app that lets you browse and search through long or complex log files ...

Glogg 版

2023年12月12日 — 使用此应用轻松打开和读取日志文件. Glogg是一个开源,小型但功能强大的跨平台日志查看器应用程序,可让您浏览和搜索计算机系统上较长或复杂的日志文件。

Download glogg by Nicolas Bonnefon

glogg download · 1.1.4 (x86/x64) · 6.5 MB ...

Download glogg 1.1.4 - Installer (64

glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators ...