
2018年10月11日—快速開啟自訂常用資料夾-FoldersPopup,是個獨立的可攜式選單程式,可以將常用的資料夾、檔案、網址設定為選單項目,再用滑鼠中鍵或按「Windows+ ...,QAPFeature:InsertQuickAccessPopupfeatureslikeCurrentWindows,ReopenaFolder,Drives,AddActiveFolderorWebpage,etc.inanysubmenuandassign ...,[下載]FoldersPopup.官方載點.下載連結→[免安裝版][安裝版]相關連結→[正版購買].本站下載.下載連結→[免安裝版][...

Folders Popup 5.2.3 免安裝版

2018年10月11日 — 快速開啟自訂常用資料夾- Folders Popup,是個獨立的可攜式選單程式,可以將常用的資料夾、檔案、網址設定為選單項目,再用滑鼠中鍵或按「Windows + ...


QAP Feature: Insert Quick Access Popup features like Current Windows, Reopen a Folder, Drives, Add Active Folder or Web page, etc. in any submenu and assign ...


[下載] Folders Popup. 官方載點. 下載連結→ [免安裝版] [安裝版] 相關連結→ [正版購買]. 本站下載. 下載連結→ [免安裝版] [舊版下載]. 最受歡迎免費軟體 第01 名:格式 ...

GitHub - JnLlndFoldersPopup

Popup menu to jump instantly from one folder to another. Freeware. - JnLlnd/FoldersPopup.

在資料夾中隨心瞬間移動~Folders Popup - 軟體

2014年4月23日 — 平常使用滑鼠的滾輪按鈕多是在瀏覽網頁或文件時,按下後上下移動滑鼠就可以抓著頁面走;Folders Popup 的功能則是在瀏覽檔案的視窗裡按下滾輪後,點選前往 ...

Open a folder in a popup

You can make any new folder button open in a popup when you are creating it. Just toggle Open in Popup ON before you tap Done.

Windows 10 Desktop Popup Folders?

2020年9月25日 — That feature exists in the Start Menu, which can be run full screen. It is the equivalent of the iOS home screen or Android launcher.

FolderBrowserDialog 類別(System.Windows.Forms)

... dialog to chose a folder path in which to open/save a file. void ... Enabled = false; } // Bring up a dialog to chose a folder path in which to open or save a ...