
ThefilmwasreleasedonSeptember23,2011,byWarnerBros.Pictures;DolphinTalereceivedpositivereviewsfromcriticsandearned$95.9millionona$37 ...,Aboyfindsadolphinthatwasinjuredinatrap.Theybecomefriends,butthedolphinneedstohaveitstailamputatedtosurvive.,ItwasreleasedonSeptember12,2014,andtellsthestoryofanotherdolphinattheClearwaterMarineAquariumnamedHope.AfterWinter'selderlycompanion ...,DolphinTalewasf...

Dolphin Tale

The film was released on September 23, 2011, by Warner Bros. Pictures; Dolphin Tale received positive reviews from critics and earned $95.9 million on a $37 ...

Dolphin Tale (2011)

A boy finds a dolphin that was injured in a trap. They become friends, but the dolphin needs to have its tail amputated to survive.

Dolphin Tale 2

It was released on September 12, 2014, and tells the story of another dolphin at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium named Hope. After Winter's elderly companion ...

Dolphin Tale Set

Dolphin Tale was filmed on location at Clearwater Marine Aquarium and was based on the amazing true story of Winter the dolphin.

Dolphin Tale

Inspired by the amazing true story, Dolphin Tale is a family film about Winter, a young dolphin who loses her tail in a crab trap, and Sawyer, t.

Watch Dolphin Tale

After losing its tail in a trap, an injured dolphin is nursed back to health by a sea of animal rescuers — and a lonely boy in need of a friend.

Watch Dolphin Tale

Dolphin Tale is inspired by the amazing true story of a brave dolphin and the compassionate strangers who banded together to save her life.