
WebCacheisanall-purposehigh-speedtoolforgettingdatafromtheInternet.WebCachecouldfilterfilesbytypeaswellasblockingadvertismentURLs.,CoralCache,alsoknownasCoralContentDistributionNetworkorCoral,isafreepeer-to-peertypewebcachebasedonthepeer-to-peercontentdistribution ...,CachedView.nlsearchesmultipleproviderslikeGoogle'sWebcache,theWaybackMachine,Archive.todayandotherstoseeifawebpageisintheircach...

在Mac App Store 上的「WebCache」

WebCache is an all-purpose high-speed tool for getting data from the Internet. WebCache could filter files by type as well as blocking advertisment URLs.

Google Cached Pages of Any Website

Coral Cache, also known as Coral Content Distribution Network or Coral, is a free peer-to-peer type web cache based on thepeer-to-peer content distribution ...


CachedView.nl searches multiple providers like Google's Webcache, the WaybackMachine, Archive.today and others to see if a webpage is in their cache, ...


2017年9月14日 — Want to view a cached website? With WebCache it takes 1 click to view the Google Cache, Wayback Machine, Archive.is, or Coral CDN!

Web cache

A Web cache (or HTTP cache) is a system for optimizing the World Wide Web. It is implemented both client-side and server-side. The caching of multimedia and ...

WebCache 類別(System.Web.Helpers)


WebCache.Remove(String) 方法(System.Web.Helpers)

從WebCache 物件中移除指定的專案。

網頁快取是什麼?Web cache 機制是怎麼運作的?

2020年10月6日 — 從網站使用的方向來思考吧。首先是使用者的電腦及瀏覽器,在送出請求前,會先確認是否有本地快取(也就是我們清除快取在清除的東西),如果沒有或是快取 ...

什麼是Web Cache?3分鐘快速帶你瞭解 ...

2021年7月13日 — Web Cache是一種用來減少網頁伺服器負荷的一種快取技術,藉由判斷請求的資源使否有留存的Cache可以減少後端伺服器進行的運算,Cache可能會存在不同的地方 ...