
MethodDocumentation...Returnsthefirstvisiblechilditemfoundatpoint(x,y)withinthecoordinatesystemofthisitem.Returnsnullifthereisnosuch ...,ItemlayoutscanbemirroredusingtheLayoutMirroringattachedproperty.Thiscausesanchorstobehorizontallyreversed,andalsocausesitemsthatlayoutor ...,QMLItemElement.TheItemisthemostbasicofallvisualitemsinQML.More...InheritedbyBorderImage,Column,Flickable,Flipable,Flow...

Item QML Type

Method Documentation ... Returns the first visible child item found at point (x, y) within the coordinate system of this item. Returns null if there is no such ...

Item QML Type | Qt Quick

Item layouts can be mirrored using the LayoutMirroring attached property. This causes anchors to be horizontally reversed, and also causes items that lay out or ...

QML Item Element

QML Item Element. The Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML. More... Inherited by BorderImage, Column, Flickable, Flipable, Flow, FocusPanel, ...

QML Item Element

This property indicates whether the item has active focus. An item with active focus will receive keyboard input, or is a FocusScope ancestor of the item ...

Item QML Type

Detailed Description. The Item type is the base type for all visual items in Qt Quick. All visual items in Qt Quick inherit from Item. Although an Item object ...

QML类型:Item 原创

2021年9月27日 — 文章浏览阅读3.2k次,点赞3次,收藏22次。一、描述Item 类型是Qt Quick 中所有可视项的基本类型。Qt Quick 中的所有可视项都继承自Item。


2014年12月10日 — QML中的Item元素与C++中的 QQuickItem 类对应,其它的元素类似,比如说Rectangle元素对应于QQuickRectangle类,基于Qt的开源性,我们可以在Qt源码中查看 ...

Item QML Type

This property describes the item's requested palette. The palette is used by the item's style when rendering all controls, and is available as a means to ensure ...

Item (QML Type)

This property defines the rectangular area of the item that should be rendered into the texture. The source rectangle can be larger than the item itself. If the ...

How to override QML item

2022年6月22日 — How to override QML item ... I want to use AspectRatio.qml as a generic component and override 'childItem', depending on the context the component ...