
今天這款GoogleChrome上的「關閉自動播放音樂」套件:「MuteTab」,有著溫和的彈性手法。在預設下它不會直接關閉音樂,只有用戶覺得有必要時(例如兩個分頁都在播音樂而 ...,MuteTabisaChromeextensionthatgivesyouenhancedcontroloveryourbrowser'ssound.Featuresincludemutebydefault,blacklists,andanexperimentalmusic ...,下載Firefox上的MuteTab。Mutenewlycreatedtabs.,MuteTabisaChromeextensionthatgivesyouenhancedc...

MuteTab 準確抓出Google Chrome分頁裡自動播放音樂的禍首

今天這款Google Chrome上的「關閉自動播放音樂」套件:「MuteTab」,有著溫和的彈性手法。在預設下它不會直接關閉音樂,只有用戶覺得有必要時(例如兩個分頁都在播音樂而 ...


MuteTab is a Chrome extension that gives you enhanced control over your browser's sound. Features include mute by default, blacklists, and an experimental music ...

MuteTab – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

下載Firefox 上的MuteTab。Mute newly created tabs.

MuteTab: Browser

MuteTab is a Chrome extension that gives you enhanced control over your browser's sound. The extension was first released in 2011 as an experiment in providing ...


2023年6月26日 — June 2016 update: MuteTab now mutes, knows when tabs are playing sound, and includes new features such as showing only recently noisy tabs, ...

MuteTab 找出自動播放音樂的網頁分頁

2011年8月30日 — 我們還可以來到MuteTab的設定中,勾選「Only Current Tab Play Sound」,讓只有目前打開的分頁可以自動播放背景音樂或影片。


A: MuteTab is a Chrome extension that helps you manage the sound coming from tabs in Google Chrome. It helps you to find which tab(s) are making sounds and ...

MuteTab 插件

一款无与伦比的广告拦截扩展,用以对抗各式广告与弹窗。可以拦截Facebook、YouTube 和其它所有网站的广告。