
CommercialInvoice·1.Shipper/Exporter:Providecontactname,companyname,andfulladdress.·2.CountryofManufacture:·3.Importer:·4.AddtheFedEx ...,Aproformainvoiceiscreatedbythesellerandsubmittedtothebuyerinadvanceofshippinggoods.Itoutlinesthekindandquantityofgoods,theirvalue, ...,2022年4月29日—AccordingtoFedex,a“proformainvoiceisanabridgedorestimatedinvoicesentbyasellertoabuyerinadvanceofashipmentorde...


Commercial Invoice · 1. Shipper/Exporter: Provide contact name, company name, and full address. · 2. Country of Manufacture: · 3. Importer: · 4. Add the FedEx ...

Fedex Proforma Invoice

A pro forma invoice is created by the seller and submitted to the buyer in advance of shipping goods. It outlines the kind and quantity of goods, their value, ...

Fedex Proforma Invoice

2022年4月29日 — According to Fedex, a “proforma invoice is an abridged or estimated invoice sent by a seller to a buyer in advance of a shipment or delivery of ...

Customs documents

The Commercial Invoice is required for all international commodity shipments and serves as the foundation for all other international shipping documents. It's ...

How to complete international shipping documentation

The commercial invoice is the primary document used by most foreign customs agencies for import control, valuation and duty determination.

pro forma invoice

This invoice must be completed in English. Signature / Title / Date: Date: Total. Pkgs. Total Net.

What is the difference between a Pro

The pro-forma invoice is a preliminary bill of sale issued prior to shipping the goods. A Commercial Invoice is prepared by the exporter and is required by ...


COMMERCIAL INVOICE. 商業發票. INTERNATIONAL AIR WAYBILL NO. 國際空運提單號碼. SHIPPER'S EXPORT REFERENCES. (i.e., order no., invoice no.) 寄件人的出口參考資料.