
Foundedin1919,theM.P.BirlaGroupisamongstthelargestindustrialhousesinIndia.Thecompanyleadsthescenetheinthecementindustry.withstrong ...,AboutAdityaBirlaGroupWorkCulture.TheworkcultureoftheAdityaBirlaGroupcanbedescribedasoneofgrowthmind-set,entrepreneurial,meritocratic, ...,AdityaBirlaGroup|2485562位LinkedIn關注者。WeareBigInYourLife.Ajourneylikenoother.Offeringinnovativeproductsandservices,reac...

Birla Corporation

Founded in 1919, the M.P. Birla Group is amongst the largest industrial houses in India. The company leads the scene the in the cement industry. with strong ...

Aditya Birla Group:文化

About Aditya Birla Group Work Culture. The work culture of the Aditya Birla Group can be described as one of growth mind-set, entrepreneurial, meritocratic, ...

Aditya Birla Group:職缺

Aditya Birla Group | 2485562 位LinkedIn 關注者。We are Big In Your Life. A journey like no other. Offering innovative products and services, reaching out to ...


Aditya Birla Group市值65亿美元,500强企业之一。经过70多年对社会负责的的商业行为实践,我们集团在金属、纺织、炭黑、电信和水泥等广泛领域已成长为全球驰名企业。

Aditya Birla Group

Discover the diverse world of Aditya Birla Group. Explore our businesses, sustainability initiatives, and global impact. Uncover a legacy of excellence.

Birla Carbon

As the world's largest producer and supplier of carbon black, Birla Carbon delivers effective solutions anywhere and anytime you need to help you succeed.

Birla Cellulose

Birla Cellulose is a 100% nature-based cellulosic fibre, ideal for apparel, home textile, & nonwoven applications. Birla Cellulose offers a wide range of fibres ...


博拉炭黑Birla Carbon 是全球最大的高品質炭黑添加劑製造商和供應商,著眼于建立最具聲望、最有活力以及最可持續發展的炭黑產業,其管理團隊及地區性代理商竭盡全力, ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
