
FUEL-EFFICIENTtranslate:高效使用燃料的.LearnmoreintheCambridgeEnglish-ChinesetraditionalDictionary.,usedtodescribeenginesormachinesthatdonotusemuchfuelinrelationtosimilarenginesormachines:Thetrendtowardmorefuel ...,Thefueleconomyofanautomobilerelatestothedistancetraveledbyavehicleandtheamountoffuelconsumed.Consumptioncanbeexpressedintermsof ...,Inthecontextoftransport,fueleconomyistheenergyeff...

FUEL-EFFICIENT in Traditional Chinese

FUEL-EFFICIENT translate: 高效使用燃料的. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

FUEL-EFFICIENT | English meaning

used to describe engines or machines that do not use much fuel in relation to similar engines or machines: The trend toward more fuel ...

Fuel economy in automobiles

The fuel economy of an automobile relates to the distance traveled by a vehicle and the amount of fuel consumed. Consumption can be expressed in terms of ...

Fuel efficiency

In the context of transport, fuel economy is the energy efficiency of a particular vehicle, given as a ratio of distance traveled per unit of fuel consumed. It ...

Fuel efficiency explained

A petrol car paying $1.42 per litre and getting 11.1 litres per 100 km is paying 11 cents per km in fuel costs exclusive of 42 cents per litre excise. The ...

Fuel Economy

EPA gas mileage, safety, air pollution, and greenhouse gas estimates for new and used cars and trucks. Improve the MPG of your vehicle with our gas mileage ...

What is fuel efficiency?

Fuel efficiency refers to a measure of how much distance your car can travel with a specific volume of fuel.

10 ways to reduce fuel consumption

Keep tires pumped up · Lose the weight in your boot · Drive with AC · Don't go too fast or too slow · Remain steady when accelerating · Avoid braking aggressively.

What Is Fuel Efficiency?

Fuel efficiency describes the vehicle's fuel consumption performance. Fuel economy, on the other hand, is a specific number. In America, fuel economy is ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
