facebook comment embed
facebook comment embed


Embed full comments from Facebook post

2016年8月3日—IwanttoembedawholelistofcommentsfromaFacebookpostintowebpage.IgoogledaroundbutfoundthatFacebookonlysupportsembedding ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

5步驟簡單嵌入Facebook回應插件│Facebook Comments ...

Facebook Comments Plugin ... 你一定有看過別人的網站(或部落格底下)開放讓別人留言、回應、互動今天就教你,如何透過社群插件做到一樣的功能!

Add Facebook Comments widget to your Website (2024)

Display Facebook Comments widget on your Website only in a couple of minutes. Instant and simple shaping of diverse website plugins by Elfsight.

Comments - Social Plugins - Meta for Developers

The comments plugin lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook account. People can choose to share their comment activity with their ...

Embed Facebook Comments

2024年4月17日 — Embed Facebook Comments · 1. Go to your site editor > Add New Section > App Store & HTML and click the Edit button on the newly added section.

Embed full comments from Facebook post

2016年8月3日 — I want to embed a whole list of comments from a Facebook post into web page. I googled around but found that Facebook only supports embedding  ...

Embedded Posts - Social Plugins

Embedded Posts are a simple way to put public posts - by a Page or a person on Facebook - into the content of your web site or web page. Only public posts from ...

Facebook Comments Plugin

The Facebook Comments Plugin means more engagement and less spam. Install on your site with ease and enable high-quality discussions at scale.

How to Add Facebook Comments to My Website

2014年9月9日 — ... Comments box to be – Click Get Code. Embed Facebook Comment. Add the Javascript SDK (first box) after the opening <body> ...

How to Add Facebook Comments to Your Page

2023年7月11日 — Step 1. Get the Facebook Comments code; Step 2. Add a Custom Code Block; Step 3. Paste your Facebook Comments code into Kajabi; Step 4. Preview ...

How to Embed Facebook Comments

2023年4月20日 — In the Page Builder, click on More Elements in the Elements tray and then select Facebook Comments. Position it where you want on the page, and ...


FacebookCommentsPlugin...你一定有看過別人的網站(或部落格底下)開放讓別人留言、回應、互動今天就教你,如何透過社群插件做到一樣的功能!,DisplayFacebookCommentswidgetonyourWebsiteonlyinacoupleofminutes.InstantandsimpleshapingofdiversewebsitepluginsbyElfsight.,ThecommentspluginletspeoplecommentoncontentonyoursiteusingtheirFacebookaccount.Peoplecanchoosetosharetheircommentactivitywiththeir ...,2024年4...