
2019年6月8日—pymatgen自动生成表面吸附模型-高通量计算初探·通过API自动得到数据库里的晶胞结构。·自动切割表面,要考虑的问题非常多:比如,表面的厚度,最表层 ...,PythonMaterialsGenomics(pymatgen)isarobustmaterialsanalysiscodethatdefinesclassesforstructuresandmoleculeswithsupportformanyelectronic ...,pymatgen.corepackage.Thispackagecontainscoremodulesandclassesforrepresentingstructuresandoperationson...


2019年6月8日 — pymatgen自动生成表面吸附模型-高通量计算初探 · 通过API自动得到数据库里的晶胞结构。 · 自动切割表面,要考虑的问题非常多:比如,表面的厚度,最表层 ...


Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) is a robust materials analysis code that defines classes for structures and molecules with support for many electronic ...

pymatgen.core package

pymatgen.core package . This package contains core modules and classes for representing structures and operations on them.


Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) is a robust materials analysis code that defines classes for structures and molecules with support for many electronic ...


Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) is a robust materials analysis code that defines classes for structures and molecules with support for many electronic ...


Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) is a robust materials analysis code that defines classes for structures and molecules with support for many electronic ...

pymatgen.entries package

An lightweight ExpEntry object containing experimental data for a composition for many purposes. Extends a PDEntry so that it can be used for phase diagram ...


Pymatgen (Python Materials Genomics) is a robust, open-source Python library for materials analysis. These are some of the main features: Highly ...

Intro to Pymatgen

Pymatgen (Python Materials Genomics) is the code that powers all of the scientific analysis behind the Materials Project. It includes a robust and efficient ...


2020年12月25日 — pymatgen是材料大数据计算的必备程序包,也作为API与materials project对接,可以批量下载自己想要的材料结构、性质,它也提供了大量VASP计算后的数据处理 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
