
Czech·adj.捷克的;捷克人的;捷克語的·n.捷克人;捷克語 ...,CzechEconomicandCulturalOfficeinTaipei捷克經濟文化辦事處.3.2Kfollowers.,TheCzechRepublic,alsoknownasCzechia,isalandlockedcountryinCentralEurope.HistoricallyknownasBohemia,itisborderedbyAustriatothesouth, ...,CzechRepublic,landlockedcountrylocatedincentralEurope.ItcomprisesthehistoricalprovincesofBohemiaandMoraviaalongwiththesoutherntipof ...


Czech · adj. 捷克的; 捷克人的; 捷克語的 · n. 捷克人;捷克語 ...

Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei 捷克經濟 ...

Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei 捷克經濟文化辦事處. 3.2K followers.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, also known as Czechia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Historically known as Bohemia, it is bordered by Austria to the south, ...

Czech Republic

Czech Republic, landlocked country located in central Europe. It comprises the historical provinces of Bohemia and Moravia along with the southern tip of ...


... Dr.eye 譯典通. Czech. 美式. abbr. = Czechoslovakia; Czechoslovakian. Dr.eye 譯典通 · Czech · 查看更多. IPA[tʃek]. adj. 捷克的; 捷克人的; 捷克語的. n. 捷克人 ...


Capital: Prague. Official EU language(s): Czech. EU Member State: since 1 May 2004. Currency: Czech koruna (CZK). Czechia is currently preparing to adopt ...


6 天前 — Czech翻譯:捷克的;捷克人的;捷克語的, 捷克人, 捷克語。了解更多。


Czech的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. belonging to or relating to the Czech Republic, its people, or its language 2. a person from the…。了解更多。


捷克共和國(捷克語:Česká republika),通稱捷克(Česko),是位於歐洲的共和制國家,也是位於歐洲的內陸國家。根據地理分區的不同定義,捷克被認為處在中歐和東歐。

歐洲地區-捷克共和國Czech Republic

歐洲地區 · 國慶日:10月28日 · 加入聯合國日期:1993年01月19日 · 語言:官方語言為捷克語,英語、德語及俄語為較常用之外國語言。 · 首都:布拉格 · 面積:78,866平方 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
