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Arweave's permaweb is a globally distributed network that puts the power back in your hands. Step inside to explore what you can do with permanent data and its ...

What is the permaweb?

The term “permaweb” refers to the permanent web, which encompasses a vast array of webpages, applications, and files hosted on the Arweave network. It ...

下一代互联网Permaweb 雏型,SCP 理论下的去中心化微 ...

2023年8月14日 — Permaweb 是Arweave 生态提出的下一代互联网架构,Permaweb 所强调的是应用和网站具备永久可访问的特性,它可以让互联网拥有记忆,不再遗忘。


2023年11月1日 — Permaweb 让我们回想起Web1.0 的起源,当时信息共享得到了革命性的改变。Web 本来是开放的,没有中央控制节点,也没有单点故障。

Permaweb News Community

Permaweb.news is the go-to source for community-driven news and updates about the Arweave ecosystem. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments, insights, ...

Permaweb News Community

Permaweb.news is the go-to source for community-driven news and updates about the Arweave ecosystem. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments, insights, ...

Arweave - A community

The Arweave network is like Bitcoin, but for data: A permanent and decentralized web inside an open ledger. Permanent storage has many applications: from ...


2021年11月3日 — Arweave 是一種去中心化的數據存儲協議,可提供永久、可拓展的鏈上儲存。如果說以太坊是世界計算機,那麼Arweave 就是永久不會忘記的硬碟。