
2020年8月26日—我目前正在为无盘引导设置SAN。我的后端由通过iSCSI共享的ZFS-Vol.II组成。到目前为止,一切都很好,除了修剪/取消地图。,2017年4月14日—...ZVOL.SoallyouneedtodoistouseablockdriverwhichsupportsTRIMorunmap.InthecaseofProxmoxthismeansusingthevirtio-scsi ...,2022年8月7日—IusethatwithoneVMthatneedsitsownZFSalthoughit'shostedonazvol...trim53***/sbin/zpooltrimzroot.ThetermZFS ...,2018年5月18日—...


2020年8月26日 — 我目前正在为无盘引导设置SAN。我的后端由通过iSCSI共享的ZFS-Vol.II组成。到目前为止,一切都很好,除了修剪/取消地图。

How to reclaim space in ZFS sparse volume?

2017年4月14日 — ... ZVOL. So all you need to do is to use a block driver which supports TRIM or unmap. In the case of Proxmox this means using the virtio-scsi ...


2022年8月7日 — I use that with one VM that needs its own ZFS although it's hosted on a zvol ... trim 5 3 * * * /sbin/zpool trim zroot. The term ZFS ...

fstrim for zvol backed by rotational drive #7551

2018年5月18日 — If you've set sparse zvol, then trim command can clear unused space and you'll get back unusable space to your pool. All reactions. Sorry ...


2020年8月26日 — The problem here is that trim is not enabled on iSCSI and therefore is a configuration issue because the UNMAP command has to be send over the ...


• ZVOLs - single dnode which references two dnodes. • disk data - dnode references an array of block pointers. • master node - records ZVOl-specific information.

ZVOLs not getting trimmed

2023年6月10日 — I'm running a bunch of VMs on a SSD (Crucial MX) pool. The ZVOLs are set up as sparce-provisioned and Auto-Trim is enabled on the pool.

Sparse zvol showing considerably higher allocation than is ...

2023年2月26日 — At best, ZFS can be notified via unmap/TRIM that a block is no longer in use, but let's say your zvol's block size is 16KB, and you write ...

Does 0.8.x has ZVOL trim support?

2019年11月26日 — I thought the original question was referring to using ZFS inside the VM and that issuing the trim down to virtio-scsi - and for that you need ...