
2023年8月23日—Ihaveazfsmirrorsetupwithouttickingthinprovision,andaddedapileofVMdisksinthere.I'vecopiedallmydatatothesedisks.I've ...,2011年10月7日—Withthin-provisionedzvols,oncethespaceisused,youcan'treclaimit.Ifyouthinprovisiona2TBzvolina10TBpool,fillthezvolup, ...,2021年7月17日—IinstalledproxmoxonZFSfilesystemnow,Iwouldliketoknowifthinprovisioningenabledornotandifnotenabled,howcanIenable ......

Thin Provision after the fact

2023年8月23日 — I have a zfs mirror setup without ticking thin provision, and added a pile of VM disks in there. I've copied all my data to these disks. I've ...

When using thin

2011年10月7日 — With thin-provisioned zvols, once the space is used, you can't reclaim it. If you thin provision a 2TB zvol in a 10TB pool, fill the zvol up, ...

How to enable thin provisioning on ZFS

2021年7月17日 — I installed proxmox on ZFS file system now, I would like to know if thin provisioning enabled or not and if not enabled, how can I enable ...

ZFS: Filesystem thin provisioning

2023年9月30日 — Hello everyone,. I am about to test out my first ZFS pool and am not sure what to select when creating a new filesystem:.

Proxmox VE ZFS 开启Thin Provision(精简配置) 原创

2022年12月28日 — 一、Thin Provision(精简配置)是什么? 精简配置(Thin Provision),有时也被称为”超额申请“,是一种重要的新兴存储技术。

ZFS and Thin Provisioning

2006年8月12日 — And so for these, and yet even more, reasons, sparse volumes, better known as “thin provisioning”, allows us to set advertised volume size to ...

Does Proxmox with ZFS support thin provisioning of vm ...

2023年7月20日 — Yes. zfs set refreservation=0 on the zvol for the VM in question, IIRC.

A guide to thin provisioning on Proxmox - ardevd

2021年4月28日 — The answer to this problem is called 'thin provisioning. The concept is simple, instead of allocating the entire VM disk on the underlying ...

PVE-7.4-3: Create create thin

2023年5月2日 — Select datacenter > storage, then edit the settings for your zpool and tick thin provision. This applies to all newly created zvols. RAW ...

Why is there a thin

2022年5月31日 — I thought ZFS's datasets are always thin-provisioned by nature. Why is this option available in the storage target properties window? https://i.