
,Guideagroupoflegendarywarriorsonajourneythroughthetragichistorythatdoomedakingdomanddroveaherodownadarkpath500yearsbeforethe ...,XenobladeChronicles2:Torna–TheGoldenCountryisa2018actionrole-playinggamedevelopedbyMonolithSoftandpublishedbyNintendofortheNintendo ...,Inthisnewstorymode,uncoverthefullhistoryofJinandthefallofTornathattookplace500yearsbeforetheeventsofXenobladeChronicles2.,2021年2...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Guide a group of legendary warriors on a journey through the tragic history that doomed a kingdom and drove a hero down a dark path 500 years before the ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country is a 2018 action role-playing game developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna

In this new story mode, uncover the full history of Jin and the fall of Torna that took place 500 years before the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Quick and dirty "What is Torna and when should I play it for ...

2021年2月25日 — What is Torna: The Golden Country? It's a DLC expansion of XC2 that serves as a prequel to the main story. When should I play it?