
2023年1月30日—TweakUIwasanicewaytomodifyregistrysettingswithouthavingtofireuptheRegistryEditor.OtheroriginalPowerToysincluded:CabView: ...,TweakUIwaspartofWindowsXPPowerToysandoneofthemost...Now,afterabout25years,MicrosofthasresurrectedPowerToysforWindows10andWindows11.,2024年1月22日—MicrosoftPowerToysisasetofutilitiesforcustomizingWindows.UtilitiesincludeColorPicker,FancyZones,FileExplorerAdd...

PowerToys for Windows 10 and Windows 11

2023年1月30日 — TweakUI was a nice way to modify registry settings without having to fire up the Registry Editor. Other original PowerToys included: CabView: ...


Tweak UI was part of Windows XP PowerToys and one of the most ... Now, after about 25 years, Microsoft has resurrected PowerToys for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Microsoft PowerToys

2024年1月22日 — Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for customizing Windows. Utilities include ColorPicker, FancyZones, File Explorer Add-ons, ...

Install PowerToys

2024年2月6日 — Install PowerToys, a set of utilities for customizing Windows, using an executable file or package manager (WinGet, Chocolatey, Scoop).

[Software Update] Download Microsoft PowerToys 0.78.0 ...

2024年1月31日 — The best and most popular PowerToy released for Windows 95 and XP was TweakUI. ... ^^ Currently there is no news about TweakUI for Windows 10.

Windows XP Tweak UI feature in Windows 10??

2021年11月3日 — So is there a powertoy in Win10 similar to the WinXP's Tweak UI that can let me enable Xmouse? Xmouse is where if your mouse just hovers ...

Tweak UIX

2022年2月24日 — The classic Tweak UI was released as a PowerToys tool for Windows 95. It gave Windows users options to customize certain user interface features ...