
2019年1月3日—Themorningsunrise早晨陽光升起.Ittakesmeaway帶我遠走高飛.AsIamstaringat當我雙眼凝視.Thelightyouhold你手裡的那道光,TakeOnMeisasongbytheNorwegiansynth-popbanda-ha.Theoriginalversion,recordedin1984andreleasedinOctoberofthatsameyear,wasproduced ...,TakeMeOn-歌詞-ThemorningsunriseIttakesmeawayAsIamstaringatThelightyouholdThefeelingofadoreOhtakemeontoyouIcan't.,TakeonMe-歌詞-We'retalking...

中韓歌詞| SALTNPAPER 솔튼페이퍼

2019年1月3日 — The morning sun rise 早晨陽光升起. It takes me away 帶我遠走高飛. As I am staring at 當我雙眼凝視. The light you hold 你手裡的那道光

Take On Me

Take On Me is a song by the Norwegian synth-pop band a-ha. The original version, recorded in 1984 and released in October of that same year, was produced ...

Take Me On-歌詞

Take Me On-歌詞- The morning sun rise It takes me away As I am staring at The light you hold The feeling of adore Oh take me on to you I can't.

Take on Me-歌詞- A

Take on Me-歌詞- We're talking away, I don't know what I'm to say I'll say it anyway Today's another day to find you Shying away I'll be comin.


「Take On Me」是一首合成流行歌曲,使用了木吉他、電吉他、多種合成器、鼓組以每分鐘169 拍的極快節奏寫成。歌詞是關於對愛的懇求,並以詩歌合唱形式構建。副歌中,主唱 ...