
2014年8月5日—It'scertainlytruethatthetwoeconomiesaredeeplyintertwined;80%ofTaiwan'sforeigninvestmentand40%ofitsexportsgotothemainland.,2014年8月19日—不想讓台灣失去競爭力,我們應該怎麼做?得付出多少代價?前幾天《華爾街日報(WSJ)》發表了一篇未署名的文章「TaiwanLeavesItselfBehind(台灣 ...,WheredoesthatleaveTaiwan?Taiwan'seconomyisbuiltonastrongmanufacturingbase,exportinglargeamountsofintegrated...

Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind

2014年8月5日 — It's certainly true that the two economies are deeply intertwined; 80% of Taiwan's foreign investment and 40% of its exports go to the mainland.

國際打臉文再現!《The Diplomat》:見到習近平就是馬英九 ...

2014年8月19日 — 不想讓台灣失去競爭力,我們應該怎麼做?得付出多少代價? 前幾天《華爾街日報(WSJ)》發表了一篇未署名的文章「Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind (台灣 ...

As the world opens up, can Taiwan avoid getting left behind?

Where does that leave Taiwan? Taiwan's economy is built on a strong manufacturing base, exporting large amounts of integrated circuits, LCDs, computers ...

Don't Let Taiwan Fall Behind, But at What Cost?

2014年8月13日 — The unsigned editorial in the Wall Street Journal titled “Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind,” could have been written by an official in the Ma ...

China and Taiwan

2024年1月7日 — China claims self-governed Taiwan as part of its territory - but the island sees itself as distinct.


2014年8月8日 — 全句句意為:「現在汽車製造業的競爭日益激烈,而競爭導致汽車品質提高、價格下降。」 ※華爾街日報原文:Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind.


2014年8月8日 — ... Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind,評論台灣的經貿現況,媒體將其譯為「台灣自甘落後」。趁著這個機會,看懂這篇評論,掌握其中的多益必考單字↓↓↓

Taiwan Leaves Itself Behind

2014年8月6日 — It's certainly true that the two economies are deeply intertwined; 80% of Taiwan's foreign investment and 40% of its exports go to the mainland.


2014年8月13日 — 美國《華爾街日報》日前1篇社論「Taiwan leaves itself behind」(台灣自甘落後)引發國內媒體論壇筆戰。國內英文媒體《Taipei Times》11日刊登讀者 ...