
Thisextensionblocksdistractingwebsitestopreventusersfromprocrastinating.Userscansetthetimeforwhentheywillwanttorestrictbrowsingactivity.,StayFocusdisaproductivityextensionforGoogleChromethathelpsyoustayfocusedonworkbyrestrictingtheamountoftimeyoucanspendontime-wasting ...,StayFocusdisaproductivityextensionforGoogleChromeandMicrosoftEdgethatlimitshowlongyouspendontime-wastingwebsites.,StayFocus...


This extension blocks distracting websites to prevent users from procrastinating. Users can set the time for when they will want to restrict browsing activity.


StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting ...


StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that limits how long you spend on time-wasting websites.

StayFocusd - StayFocusd

StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting ...

【科技新知】「StayFocusd」限制Chrome網頁開啟時間!防止 ...

2021年2月4日 — 如何用「StayFocusd」設定限制網站? 步驟一 首先我們要點擊下方的連結,進入「StayFocusd」擴充元件的頁面,並按下「加到CHROME」>「新增擴充功能」。

Stayfocusd 控制不自覺時間浪費,經典專注練習工具使用技巧

2020年1月12日 — 「 Stayfocusd 」是一款行之有年,經典而知名的專注力練習工具。作為一款免費的Google Chrome 瀏覽器套件,他設計了一套簡單有效、環環相扣的「限制 ...


StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay ... StayFocusd would not be able to block websites. While this permission ...

StayFocusd 限制網站上網的時間,超過時間直接將瀏覽器封鎖

StayFocusdChrome擴充外掛,限制一天中使用瀏覽器的時間,幫助我們更專注在工作與學業上。才不會浪費太多時間沉迷在滑Facebook臉書、YouTube看影片、逛網拍、看網路 ...