


Shatoosh(來自波斯語даه๑า,“羊毛之王”),也稱為Shatoush,是從Chil(Pantholops hodgsonii,也稱為藏羚羊)的毛皮中獲得的羊毛。用冷發製成的披肩也稱為shahtoosh。

Finally the truth about shahtoosh - PASHMINA

King of wool because the finest and sweetest in the world, shahtoosh is banned for sale since 1979: however it is still woven in Srinagar ...


Shahtoosh also known as Shatoush, is a wool obtained from the fur of the chiru Also, shawls made from the wool of the chiru are called shahtoosh.

【ruby bazaar】印度喀什米爾|Shahtoosh工法與質感|頂級 ...

... Shahtoosh編織工法&Pashmina幼羊細絨。 從前Shahtoosh都是在印度喀什米爾由技藝精湛的行家以手工編織而成, 這一款來自印度喀什米爾的Shahmina, 便是真正採Shahtoosh ...

接近Shahtoosh品質正宗北印度喀什米爾區頂級Pashmina之 ...

天然純淨有機羊毛的頂級Pashmina之王!頂級毛料,是pashmmina中最頂級的料子,來自北印度喜馬拉雅山的稀少羊毛,是目前最接近Shahtoosh的等級,來自喀什米爾區全程手工 ...

我已找到此生最愛我的他— 文茜與Shahtoosh的愛【茜問完整 ...

2023年3月7日 — 本集邀請到設計師陳季敏、愛犬Shahtoosh、甜點店老闆陳瑞欣、寵物店老闆Hacuna,陳季敏與文茜爭吵,全是為了「他」?!狗狗的記憶超強,10個月後依然 ...

The Most Expensive Fabric on Earth Is Totally Illegal to Own

2019年10月6日 — Shahtoosh is the fabric with the lowest micron count on earth. Softer than vicuña, it's derived from the hair of endangered antelopes, ...

Why Is SHAHTOOSH Banned?

2023年5月12日 — Broadly, shahtoosh wool is banned due to its association with the illegal hunting and poaching of an endangered species, its highly unethical ...


2011年10月19日 — 原來還有一種由「Shahtoosh」做成的天價披肩,但大家絕不應購買—因為此物料是從瀕危的藏羚羊身上得來的。 藏羚羊毛柔軟、輕順,並非常保暖。不過,販賣及 ...


沙圖什(shahtoosh),沙圖什的發音來自於波斯語,「shah」意為皇帝,「toosh」則是羊絨,「shahtoosh」意為「羊絨之王」。沙圖什通常來說,是指所有由藏羚羊絨加工的 ...