
,TheSAPNetWeaverSystemLandscapeDirectory(SLD)isthecentralprovideroflandscapeinformationintheSAPsystemlandscape.Systemsreporttheirdata, ...,SAPSLD伺服器感應器會探索SAP系統、SAP伺服器(ABAP和Java)及SAP元件。,SLDprovidesinformationaboutinstallableSAPsoftware,dependenciesandrecommendedscenariosandregularlypublishesupdatesonSAPServiceMarketplace.You ...,TheSAPSystemLandscapeDirectory(SLD)isthecentra...

System Landscape Directory

The SAP NetWeaver System Landscape Directory (SLD) is the central provider of landscape information in the SAP system landscape. Systems report their data, ...

SAP SLD 伺服器感應器

SAP SLD 伺服器感應器會探索SAP 系統、 SAP 伺服器(ABAP 和Java) 及SAP 元件。

System Landscape Directory

SLD provides information about installable SAP software, dependencies and recommended scenarios and regularly publishes updates on SAP Service Marketplace. You ...

Describing the System Landscape in the SLD

The SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) is the central information provider in a system landscape. Note. The SLD contains two types of information ...

Configure the System Landscape Directory (SLD)

Steps · On the PI Server, open an Internet Explorer window, navigate to the SAP NetWeaver™ SAP Exchange Infrastructure. · Select System Landscape Directory. · Log ...

SAP 系統架構目錄(SLD) 支援

SAP 系統架構目錄(SLD) 是一項目錄服務,用於維護已安裝的SAP 和(選擇性) 非SAP 軟體清單。SLD 提供兩種主要類別的資訊:. 已安裝的軟體; 可隨後安裝的軟體.


