
LookforUncheckyinthelistandclickonit.Thenextstepistoclickonuninstall,soyoucaninitiatetheuninstallation.screenshotofappsandfeatures ...,2016年9月19日—Onclickofremovelinkloopthroughalltheuncheckedcheckboxeshavingclass'classname'using ...,Uncheckyautomaticallyunchecksunrelatedoffers,bothsavingyoumouseclicksandmakingitlesslikelytomissacheckboxofanunwantedoffer.,Uncheckyautomaticallyunchecksunrelat...

How to completely uninstall Unchecky

Look for Unchecky in the list and click on it. The next step is to click on uninstall, so you can initiate the uninstallation. screenshot of apps and features ...

How to remove the unchecked checkbox parent element in ...

2016年9月19日 — Onclick of remove link loop through all the unchecked checkboxes having class 'classname' using ...


Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.

Unchecky by RaMMicHaeL

Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.

Unchecky v1.2 繁體中文版

2018年4月10日 — Unchecky 是一款可阻擋安裝不想要或不需要的程式的免費軟體,讓您從今以後不會再因不小心或其他原因而安裝了首頁綁架、更改預設搜尋引擎等的程式。

Unchecky 安裝軟體時自動取消勾選安裝第三方工具

2016年12月2日 — Dec 2, 2016 - 你已厭倦在安裝軟體時要一直取消勾選無關的程式嗎?Unchecky ... 移除。 Read it. Save ... Browser Cleanup 瀏覽器清理軟體,移除惡意工具列 ...


Unchecks. Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.


Unchecky能自动取消勾选那些想要取得你同意,然后往你的电脑中装垃圾的选项。在你谢绝这些'特惠产品',避免因卸载这些程序和工具栏所带来的麻烦时,它能为你省去用鼠标手动 ...