
Pepsiisacarbonatedsoftdrinkwithacolaflavor,manufacturedbyPepsiCo.Asof2023,Pepsiisthesecondmostvaluablesoftdrinkbrandworldwide ...,2012年12月11日—PepsiSlogansandLogosThroughouttheYears;1998–1999:It'sthecola(100thanniversarycommercial);2003:ItstheCola/DareforMore ...,2022年4月8日—Everwonderedwhowinstheultimatebattle?DiveinaswepitPepsivs.Coca-Colahead-to-head!Youwon'tbelievetheoutcome!,2024年6月1...


Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink with a cola flavor, manufactured by PepsiCo. As of 2023, Pepsi is the second most valuable soft drink brand worldwide ...

Pepsi Slogans and Logos Throughout the Years

2012年12月11日 — Pepsi Slogans and Logos Throughout the Years ; 1998–1999: It's the cola ( 100th anniversary commercial) ; 2003: Its the Cola/Dare for More ...

Pepsi Vs Coca Cola

2022年4月8日 — Ever wondered who wins the ultimate battle? Dive in as we pit Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola head-to-head! You won't believe the outcome!

When Coca Cola announced it sold 4 times more than ...

2024年6月14日 — Pepsi decided to buy some Fast food franchises and only serve Pepsi in them, because it was cheaper than running an expensive ad campaign.

可口可樂vs. 百事可樂!你選哪一個? (Coke (Coca Cola) vs ...

2019年8月29日 — 那麼,這些數字代表什麼呢? Is it that more people buy Coke but Pepsi is more expensive? 是因為可口可樂比較多人買,但百事可樂比較貴嗎?

The Pepsi Store – The Birthplace of Pepsi

In the small town of New Bern, North Carolina, local pharmacist Caleb Bradham invented the original formula of what would become Pepsi-Cola.

Which Came First, Coke or Pepsi? A Historical Timeline

Coke came before Pepsi, although only by a few years. Dr. John S. Pemberton created Coca Cola in 1886 while Pepsi did not come about until 1893.