
2019年2月14日—We'vetrainedalarge-scaleunsupervisedlanguagemodelwhichgeneratescoherentparagraphsoftext,achievesstate-of-the-artperformance ...,2024年3月4日—AzureOpenAIprovidesdeveloperswiththeabilitytoaddAItotheirapplicationsusingavarietyofdifferentmodelsfromOpenAI.,GenerativePre-trainedTransformer3(GPT-3)isalargelanguagemodelreleasedbyOpenAIin2020.GenerativePre-trainedTransformer3(GPT-3) ...,O...

Better language models and their implications

2019年2月14日 — We've trained a large-scale unsupervised language model which generates coherent paragraphs of text, achieves state-of-the-art performance ...

Building NLP applications with Azure OpenAI

2024年3月4日 — Azure OpenAI provides developers with the ability to add AI to their applications using a variety of different models from OpenAI.


Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a large language model released by OpenAI in 2020. Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) ...

How ChatGPT and our language models are developed

OpenAI's large language models, including the models that power ChatGPT, are developed using three primary sources of information: (1) information that is ...

OpenAI GPT-3

2023年3月26日 — This model has gained a lot of attention and recognition for its ability to generate high-quality text that is almost indistinguishable from ...

OpenAI Models vs. Other NLP Models

OpenAI NLP models are a great choice for NLP tasks that require a good balance of accuracy and speed, along with scalability and cost-effectiveness. However, ...

OpenAI NLP Models

OpenAI has three major NLP (natural language processing) model releases. They are GPT, GPT-2, and GPT-3. They also have other models apart from those three.

OpenAI Platform Models

Explore resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's developer platform.

OpenAI 推出全新NLP 模型GPT

2020年7月21日 — 模型稱為Generative Pretrained Transformer,簡稱GPT-3,是可用於分析一連串單字、文章或其他資料的工具,並在此基礎上擴展以產生全新文章或影像輸出。