
Wemonitorallknowndatabreachestofindoutifyourpersonalinformationwascompromised.Here'sacompletelistofallofthebreachesthathavebeen ...,FirefoxMonitorisanonlineservicedevelopedbyMozilla...Itinformsusersiftheiremailaddressandpasswordsusedhavebeenleakedindatabreaches,using ...,2024年6月7日—

All breaches detected by Mozilla Monitor

We monitor all known data breaches to find out if your personal information was compromised. Here's a complete list of all of the breaches that have been ...

Firefox Monitor

Firefox Monitor is an online service developed by Mozilla ... It informs users if their email address and passwords used have been leaked in data breaches, using ...

Get started with Mozilla Monitor

2024年6月7日 — To see if your online accounts have been exposed in a data breach: Open your web browser and go to Click Get free scan to ...

Have You Been Pwned? Firefox Tool Will Tell You

Mozilla has officially launched Firefox Monitor, a free service that scans your email against the 'Have I Been Pwned' database to let you know if your ...

Mozilla confirms leak of 76000 developer email addresses

2014年8月5日 — Members of Mozilla's developer community have been alerted about an accidental leak of email addresses and encrypted passwords, after the ...

Mozilla Monitor

We scan to see if your phone number, passwords or home address have been leaked, and help you make it private again. Get free scan. Enter your email address to ...

Mozilla Monitor scrubs your leaked personal information ...

2024年2月6日 — Mozilla is rolling out a paid tool that can automatically remove your personal information that has been exposed on more than 190 data ...

Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor

2024年5月22日 — This article explains how you can resolve data breaches in online accounts by using Mozilla Monitor.