
LisbethScott(born1January1978)isanAmericancomposer,vocalist,multi-instrumentalist,producerandsongwriterofArmenianorigin,borninBoston, ...,Originallyreleasedin2005.DirectedbyMarkWaldrep.StarringLisbethScott,PaulSchwartz.產品資訊.執行 ...,LisbethScottMusic.6034likes·8talkingaboutthis.Lisbethsingstocomfort,heal,move,transportandawakenthedivinevoicewithinusall....,☀️Icreatemusicwithmyvoice,hands,h...

Lisbeth Scott

Lisbeth Scott (born 1 January 1978) is an American composer, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter of Armenian origin, born in Boston, ...


Originally released in 2005. Directed by Mark Waldrep. Starring Lisbeth Scott, Paul Schwartz. 產品資訊. 執行 ...

Lisbeth Scott Music

Lisbeth Scott Music. 6034 likes · 8 talking about this. Lisbeth sings to comfort, heal, move, transport and awaken the divine voice within us all....

Lisbeth Scott (@lisbethscottmusic)

☀️I create music with my voice, hands,head,& heart for Healing,Meditation,Yoga, Film,(Avatar, Narnia etc), tv, games (Journey,Metal Gear,Lair)life! .

Lisbeth Scott的歷年專輯與介紹

精選Lisbeth Scott歷年發表的專輯與單曲,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。

Lisbeth Scott

Lisbeth Scott is a twice Annie Nominated film and television composer, singer, songwriter , multi-instrumentalist, and producer of Armenian descent.

Lisbeth Scott

Lisbeth Scott: It Is Done. Lisbeth Scott: It Is Done. 商品貨號:SMD-27978 商品品牌:SMD. 定價:177 元 特價:159 元 老師、同行、批發、團購請電洽:0932-957587 ...

LISBETH SCOTT — 歌詞、播放清單和影片

Singer/songwriter Lisbeth Scott got her start in music at an early age. While growing up in Boston, Scott anticipated a career in classical piano.