
2023年7月6日—Hereishowyoucanfindwhetherunchecky_svc.exeisasecuritythreatusingSecuritytaskmanagerapplication.WealsorecommendusingSecurity ...,2020年6月28日—Stillgoodtouseorno?Unchecky-Keepsyourcheckboxesclear.Uncheckyaimstokeeppotentiallyunwantedprogramsoutofyourcomputer.,2016年8月5日—Tobeclear,UncheckyisNOTbloatware.Itdoesnotconsumememoryorstoragespace,itoperatesinthebackgroundwithminimaluseri...

Unchecky should i remove it

2023年7月6日 — Here is how you can find whether unchecky_svc.exe is a security threat using Security task manager application. We also recommend using Security ...

Advice Request

2020年6月28日 — Still good to use or no? Unchecky - Keeps your checkboxes clear. Unchecky aims to keep potentially unwanted programs out of your computer.

Advice Request

2016年8月5日 — To be clear, Unchecky is NOT bloatware. It does not consume memory or storage space, it operates in the background with minimal user interaction ...

Unchecky [unchecky_setup.exe]

2018年4月9日 — Prognosis - Is Unchecky safe? We have determined Unchecky to be clean and safe to download. Virus tests for Unchecky ...

Installing New Software? Use Unchecky to Avoid ...

No free software is actually free, because there's always a catch. Make sure no unwanted programs end up on your computer by using Unchecky.

Safe Installation for All Free Apps with Unchecky

2016年5月17日 — Free programs often come with third-party adware and unwanted apps. Unchecky can make sure we have a safe installation, without adware.

Is unchecky malware?

2016年9月24日 — Unchecky is actually a good software that tries to prevent malware by automatically unchecking boxes in installers for optional install ...

Is Unchecky safe?

2014年7月30日 — I haven't found any substantial evidence online that it's a safe tool to use or if it is itself malicious (through my usual google search before ...

What is unchecky_setup.exe (Unchecky Setup)? 4 reasons ...

2024年3月25日 — What's unchecky_setup.exe (Unchecky Setup)? Is it safe or a virus? Unchecky_setup.exe is a program developed by Reason Software Company Inc.