
2023年11月16日—HaveIBeenPwned(HIBP)是澳洲安全專家TroyHunt在2013年建立的外洩密碼查詢平臺,連美國FBI跟英國NCA(國家犯罪調查局)都會將蒐集到的外洩密碼 ...,,HaveIBeenPwned?isawebsitethatallowsInternetuserstocheckwhethertheirpersonaldatahasbeencompromisedbydatabreaches.Theservicecollects ...,HaveIBeenPwnedallowsyoutosearchacrossmultipledatabreachestoseeifyouremailaddressorphonenumberhasbeencompromis...


2023年11月16日 — Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) 是澳洲安全專家Troy Hunt 在2013 年建立的外洩密碼查詢平臺,連美國FBI 跟英國NCA (國家犯罪調查局)都會將蒐集到的外洩密碼 ...

Have I Been Pwned?

Have I Been Pwned? is a website that allows Internet users to check whether their personal data has been compromised by data breaches. The service collects ...


Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address or phone number has been compromised.

Pwned Passwords

Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address or phone number has been compromised.

Have I Been Pwned

Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address or phone number has been compromised.

Have I Been Pwned

Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address or phone number has been compromised.

繼美國之後,英國也加入提供外洩密碼予Have I Been Pwned ...

2021年12月21日 — HIBP服務可讓使用者以電子郵件查詢自己所使用的服務與密碼是否曾外洩過,同時也能讓各業者了解自家服務的安全狀況。研究人員或業者可透過Pwned Passwords ...


2022年3月7日 — 專門蒐集外洩資料、供使用者查詢自己是否為受害者的Have I Been Pwned(HABP),於上周新增了一筆資料庫,內含71,335名的Nvidia員工憑證,包含電子 ...


2022年12月20日 — 作者/陳曉莉 社交遊戲開發商Zynga於9月發生資安事件導致玩家登入資訊外流,但未公布受害用戶數,現在Have I Been Pwned揭露了外洩規模,找到1億多筆 ...