
在OutputStyle修改中,【Bibliography】下的Layout包含兩部分,第一是定義每筆參考文獻的開頭與結尾處,需增加的共同字串、符號、或欄位;第二是定義 ...,2022年9月30日—Clickthedropdownmenuunder“Special”.Select“FirstLine”toautomaticallyindentthefirstlineofeachnewparagraph.Enter ...,在LibreOfficeWriter設定首行縮排/SettingfirstlineindentinLibreOfficeWriter·進入「Indents&Spacing」(縮排與空格)的頁籤。·取...

First line indent

在OutputStyle修改中,【Bibliography】下的Layout包含兩部分,第一是定義每筆參考文獻的開頭與結尾處,需增加的共同字串、符號、或欄位;第二是定義 ...

How to Indent the First Line of Every Paragraph in Microsoft ...

2022年9月30日 — Click the drop down menu under “Special”. Select “First Line” to automatically indent the first line of each new paragraph. Enter ...

如何在LibreOffice Writer設定首行縮排? How to Set the First ...

在LibreOffice Writer設定首行縮排/ Setting first line indent in LibreOffice Writer · 進入「Indents & Spacing」(縮排與空格)的頁籤。 · 取消打勾「Automatic」(自動)。


A first-line indent is the most common way to signal the start of a new paragraph. The other common way is with space between paragraphs.

Create a first line indent

With a first line indent, the first line of a paragraph is indented more than the other lines in the paragraph. Use the tab key to create a first line ...

Indent the first line of a paragraph

On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, select First line. The First Line Indent option is highlighted in the Paragraph dialog box.

How to Indent the First Line of Every Paragraph in Word

Click the drop-down menu under “Special.” Select “First Line” to automatically indent the first line of each new paragraph.