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Dyson Airwrap™ multi

Shop the Dyson Airwrap™ hair styler. Now back in stock. Engineered to curl, smooth and dry hair. A hair curler without heat. Available with free shipping ...

Dyson UK

Download the new app on App Store or Google Play for the best MyDyson™ experience. ... This includes the Dyson V7, Dyson V8, Cyclone V10, V11, V11 Outsize ...

Dyson vacuum cleaners, hair dryers and stylers, fans ...

Now available. The new Dyson Supersonic r™ Professional hair dryer. Smaller, lighter2 and fast drying, for precision styling and control. Shop now.



Hair care

The new Dyson Supersonic Nural™ hair dryer. ​Auto-adapts to enhance natural shine and protect scalp health. Fast, intelligent drying. No heat damage. Shop ...

New Machines

Catch up on our latest product news – from powerful, intelligent vacuums to innovative hair care releases. Discover everything about our latest technology.

Vacuum Cleaners

Dyson vacuum cleaners. Powerful cordless vacuum cleaners, handheld vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum cleaners and canister vacuum cleaners.

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寧靜1吹送氣流超過10 公尺, 淨化高達30 坪空間。2 有效捕捉細菌3、病毒4、過敏原及99.95%超細微粒。5 獨有富鉀碳濾網濾除有害氣體和氣味。6