

DNSCrypt version 2

New home of the DNSCrypt project, now implementing multiple protocols to improve DNS security. Download official DNSCrypt & DoH servers and clients here.

dnscrypt-proxy 2

A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2, DNS-over-HTTPS, Anonymized DNSCrypt and ODoH (Oblivious DoH).

Releases · DNSCryptdnscrypt

dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols. - Releases · DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy.

package: dnscrypt

Name: dnscrypt-proxy2; Version: 2.1.2-1; Description: A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols-- such as ...

DNSCrypt with Dnsmasq and dnscrypt

dnscrypt-proxy2 is configured with Google DNS and Cloudflare DNS by default. You can change it to Google DNS or any other DoH or DNSCrypt ...


dnscrypt-proxy is a DNS proxy client with support for the encrypted DNS protocols DNS over HTTPS and DNSCrypt, which can be used to prevent ...

dnscrypt proxy windows版本使用說明

我放棄在openwrt 來解決DNS汙染了openwrt 單純PPPoE 就好https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/releases 目前最新版本是2.1.4 請 ...


DNSCrypt is typically deployed using a pair of DNS proxies: a client proxy and a server proxy. The client side of DNSCrypt is a proxy to which regular DNS ...

OpenWRT 使用dnscrypt

OpenWRT 默认并不支持DoH 或DoT,存在DNS 泄露问题,本文介绍如何dnscrypt-proxy2 进行加密查询,以及如何与上网插件进行搭配使用 ...


DNSCrypt將未修改的DNS查詢與回應以密碼學結構打包來檢測是否被偽造。它儘管未使用端對端加密,但也足夠抵禦針對DNS的中間人攻擊、DNS快取投毒攻擊、DNS劫持等,尤其是在 ...