
2022年11月27日—Django'stemplatecontextvariablerequiresadictionarytobepassedtorenderatemplate.Iprefertousedataclassesinstead.,2023年1月17日—AcontextprocessorisafunctionthattakesthecurrentHttpRequestobjectasanargumentandreturnsadictionaryofvariablesthatcanbemadeavailableto ...,Youcanalsocreatevariablesdirectlyinthetemplate,byusingthe%with%}templatetag.Thevariableisavailableuntilthe%endwith%}taga...

A better way for passing Django context

2022年11月27日 — Django's template context variable requires a dictionary to be passed to render a template. I prefer to use data classes instead.

Context Processors in Django

2023年1月17日 — A context processor is a function that takes the current HttpRequest object as an argument and returns a dictionary of variables that can be made available to ...

Django Template Variables

You can also create variables directly in the template, by using the % with %} template tag. The variable is available until the % endwith %} tag appears.

Django templates don't get the context variables

2019年12月22日 — You should use takes_context=True in your template tag in order to make it accept context data. The code that works now:

Django Tutorial for Programmers

如果你的context 是用下面這個`dict` 產生的(不論你是用`render` 之類的函式,或直接用`django.template.Context` 建構): ```python 'foo': object(), 'bar': None, } ``` ... at main

# Set context processors according to the template engine's settings. processors = template.engine.template_context_processors + self._processors.


A template contains the static parts of the desired HTML output as well as some special syntax describing how dynamic content will be inserted.

The Django template language

Once you have a compiled Template object, you can render a context with it. You can reuse the same template to render it several times with different contexts.

What is a context in Django?

2014年1月6日 — A context is a variable name -> variable value mapping that is passed to a template. Context processors let you specify a number of variables ...

What is the Django context and how is it used in templates?

The Django context is a crucial component of Django's templating system, responsible for passing data from views to templates.