
2019年3月5日—首先下載ChromeCanary最新版本,並且在「設定」-「基本選項」內找到「DarkMode」開啟後即可。若沒有看到該選項,可以在網址列輸入「chrome://flasg」藉 ...,2019年3月4日—Chrome74.0.3724.0isthelatestCanarybuildforAndroidandaddsanewexperimentalflagtitled“AndroidChromeUIdarkmode”.Ifenabled ...,2021年10月12日—Per-siteDarkThemenowavailableinChromeCanaryforAndroid...NotallsiteslookbestinGoogle'sfo...

搶先體驗Google Chrome 的「黑暗模式」!手機設定這樣做

2019年3月5日 — 首先下載Chrome Canary 最新版本,並且在「設定」-「基本選項」內找到「Dark Mode」開啟後即可。若沒有看到該選項,可以在網址列輸入「chrome://flasg」藉 ...

Latest Chrome Canary for Android adds 'dark mode' flag ...

2019年3月4日 — Chrome 74.0.3724.0 is the latest Canary build for Android and adds a new experimental flag titled “Android Chrome UI dark mode”. If enabled ...


2021年10月12日 — Per-site Dark Theme now available in Chrome Canary for Android ... Not all sites look best in Google's forced Dark Mode, and Google is working on ...

Very Strange and Uncommon problem on Chrome for ...

2023年10月14日 — The reCAPTCHA happened due many factors, I see you tried some, but need to check the Network connection: If you using any VPN/Tunnel/DNS/ ...

Chrome for Android allows enabling dark theme per website

2021年10月13日 — You can now enable the dark theme on specific websites in Google Chrome. There is a new Dark Theme option in the main menu of the browser.

You can now enable dark mode for web pages and content ...

2019年2月27日 — Chrome's dark mode is enabled through a new feature flag, #enable-android-web-contents-dark-mode, which activates a force_dark_mode_enabled ...

How to Enable Dark Mode For Websites & Content in ...

Learn how to enable dark mode for web pages and other content viewed in Google Chrome Canary on Android devices. A new feature currently testing in Chrome ...

Sneak Peek

2023年10月15日 — For instance, if the smartphone has a dark theme or dark mode enabled, the page background will adopt a more subdued tone, and vice versa.

In Chrome Canary for Android it is now possible to enable ...

2021年10月12日 — In Chrome Canary for Android it is now possible to enable/disable the dark theme on a per site basis. News Android.

Chrome Dark Mode And How To Get It

2019年2月27日 — If you'd like to activate Chrome Dark Mode on Android, there's only a couple of steps you need to take. As of this week, the Chrome Canary ...