
custom例句;Therearemanyinterestingcustomsinhercountry.她的國家裡有許多有趣的習俗。;AfternoonnapsareacommoncustominseveralEuropeancities.,,customs例句...Customsofficialssaytheshipwascarryingnearly500kilogramsofheroin.海關官員表示這艘船攜帶將近五百公斤的海洛因。,更多範例减少例句.It'sacustomwhichisbeginningtodieout.ShecoveredherheadoutofdeferencetoMuslimcustom.Thewomengatheredaroundthecoffin ...,...

custom (【名詞】慣例, 習俗, 傳統)意思、用法及發音

custom 例句 ; There are many interesting customs in her country. 她的國家裡有許多有趣的習俗。 ; Afternoon naps are a common custom in several European cities.

customs (【名詞】海關)意思、用法及發音

customs 例句 ... Customs officials say the ship was carrying nearly 500 kilograms of heroin. 海關官員表示這艘船攜帶將近五百公斤的海洛因。


更多範例减少例句. It's a custom which is beginning to die out. She covered her head out of deference to Muslim custom. The women gathered around the coffin ...


2023年8月25日 — 例句:(Custom) 在一些國家,例如法國,人們會透過親吻他人這個風俗習慣來表示問候。 (Customs) 眾多旅客的緣故,令海關從早上開始就要不停地工作。 4.


例句 · It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs. 我們的海關檢查只花了幾分鐘時間。 · Exit does not need to meet custom duty. · I pay $20 in custom ...


2023年12月6日 — The long-established custom was for middle-aged and elderly parents to live with one of their sons, usually the youngest, and his wife.

Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫

這一習俗在整個地區盛行。 The custom is proper to the island. 這個風俗是這個島上特有的。 This custom is a relic of ancient times. 這習俗乃是古代遺風。 This is a ...


例句與造句. He has something in the customs . 他在海關里有一個差事(有點地位)。 Customs is ill-equipped to catch them . 海關裝備不良,不能捉到他們。