
Usedtocreatearepresentationofacommandlineprogramandallpossiblecommandlinearguments.Applicationsettingsaresetusingthebuilderpattern ...,Theabstractrepresentationofacommandlineargument.Usedtosetalltheoptionsandrelationshipsthatdefineavalidargumentfortheprogram.ArgGroup.,2022年4月19日—Clapisalibrarythatprovidesfunctionalitytogenerateparsinglogicforarguments,providesaneatandtidyCLIforapplications,...


Used to create a representation of a command line program and all possible command line arguments. Application settings are set using the builder pattern ...


The abstract representation of a command line argument. Used to set all the options and relationships that define a valid argument for the program. ArgGroup.

Command line argument parsing in Rust using Clap

2022年4月19日 — Clap is a library that provides functionality to generate parsing logic for arguments, provides a neat and tidy CLI for applications, including ...


A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust - clap-rs/clap.

Writing a CLI Tool in Rust with Clap

2023年12月8日 — Crates like clap make it super easy to write your own CLI tool in Rust by making it as easy as possible using structs and macros via the Derive ...


clap is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured library for parsing command line arguments and subcommands when writing console/terminal applications.

clap -

2024年7月8日 — A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser.

Getting Started with the Clap Crate for the Rust Programming ...

2024年2月23日 — The App::get_matches method returns a clap::ArgMatches struct that contains the parsed argument values. You can use the ArgMatches methods to ...