
2019年12月21日—httpserver.h這個專案是用C寫的,就一個.h檔,從範例可以看到用法不算太複雜:#defineHTTPSERVER_IMPL#includehttpserver.,cpp-httplib.9.30.0C++.AC++header-onlyHTTP/HTTPSserverandclientlibrary·RESTinio.5.40.0C++.Cross-platform,efficient,customizable,androbust ...,ClibrarytocreatesimpleHTTPserversandWebApplications.-GitHub-davidmoreno/onion:ClibrarytocreatesimpleHTTPserversandWebApplicat...

一個超小的HTTP Server Library - Gea

2019年12月21日 — httpserver.h 這個專案是用C 寫的,就一個.h 檔,從範例可以看到用法不算太複雜: #define HTTPSERVER_IMPL #include httpserver.

C++ HTTP Server libraries

cpp-httplib. 9.3 0.0 C++. A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library · RESTinio. 5.4 0.0 C++. Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust ...


C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications. - GitHub - davidmoreno/onion: C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications.


Description. httpserver.h is a single header C library for building event driven non-blocking HTTP servers. Supports Linux with epoll and BSD/Mac with ... lightweight and flexible C networking library

Libwebsockets (LWS) is a flexible, lightweight pure C library for implementing modern network protocols easily with a tiny footprint, using a nonblocking event ...


2009年9月28日 — Take a look at Qt. I don't know if it's fast enough for you, but it has a nice network module. You also get SQL and XML modules, and a lot more ...

Libmicrohttpd - GNU Project

GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that makes it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. GNU Libmicrohttpd is free software and part of ...

LibHTTP – Open Source HTTP Library in C

LibHTTP is an MIT licensed library written in C implementing a HTTP/HTTPS server with websocket capabilities. The library also includes functionality for ...

What's the go

2023年7月26日 — I will be building a HTTPS server function using C in the next half year too. I saw some options on the web such as Civet, but I prefer ...


... Library include files */ #include wwwsys.h #include WWWUtil.h #include ... server is processing the ** request, and a final response will be sent later ...