
CompatiblewithiOS7,8,9and10iOSbadgesshouldbeblurrytooiftherearemanyblurryUIoutthere.Thistweakallowsyoutocustomizebadges, ...,BlurryBadges角标颜色自适应-Rootless.软件版本:1.4.3,支持设备:iPhoneiPad收藏次数:1.文件大小:41KB,支持版本:iOS15.0~iOS16.7.4.开发者:PoomSmart ...,AddcoloredblurtoSpringBoardiconbadges.ContributetoPoomSmart/BlurryBadgesdevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,2018年3月2...

BlurryBadges - Cydia

Compatible with iOS 7, 8, 9 and 10 iOS badges should be blurry too if there are many blurry UI out there. This tweak allows you to customize badges, ...

BlurryBadges 角标颜色自适应-Rootless

BlurryBadges 角标颜色自适应-Rootless. 软件版本:1.4.3, 支持设备: iPhone iPad 收藏次数:1. 文件大小:41 KB, 支持版本:iOS 15.0 ~ iOS 16.7.4. 开发者:PoomSmart ...


Add colored blur to SpringBoard icon badges. Contribute to PoomSmart/BlurryBadges development by creating an account on GitHub.

BlurryBadges 和ColorBadges

2018年3月25日 — 兩款能夠讓iOS 圖標右上角的角標顏色隨App 圖標本身顏色更改的插件,它們分別是:BlurryBadges 和ColorBadges。

BlurryBadges (iOS 14+) 1.4.3 [Tweaks] ...

2023年4月7日 — Updated: BlurryBadges (iOS 14+) 1.4.3 [Tweaks] Colored blur for SpringBoard icon badges. Repository: PoomSmart's Repo #jailbreak ...

[Cydia for iOS] 「BlurryBadges」iOS角標風格自訂隨意修改器

BlurryBadges設定教學 ... ▽ 透明度往左拉整個就會變的非常透明。 ... ▽ 線條設定為黑色看起來的效果就是這樣,大家就依照自己的喜愛去設定角標風格吧!

Blurry Badges

Description. Add colored blur to SpringBoard icon badges. Changelog. 1.4.3: iOS 15 support. Information. Dev's Twitter · Dev's GitHub · Support Dev.

Make your notification badges pop with BlurryBadges

2022年1月31日 — Those interested in giving the new BlurryBadges tweak a try can download it for free from PoomSmart's personal repository via their favorite ...


Description. Colored blur for SpringBoard icon badges. Depiction. Version History. Packages are not hosted on our server, they could be protected or ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
