
2016年5月6日—Theonlydifferencebetweenathin-provisioned(akasparse)ZVOLandaregularoneiswhetherthefullsizeisreservedviatherefreservationproperty.,它提供了目录、文件管理功能,以及影像内容的分类打标、人脸聚类等智能分析功能,基于内容的智能搜索能力,用户体系以及第三方身份系统接入能力。用户可基于此开发一套面向 ...,2023年8月23日—Whatcheckingthethincheckboxdoesissettingtherefreservationofthedatasets/zvo...


2016年5月6日 — The only difference between a thin-provisioned (aka sparse) ZVOL and a regular one is whether the full size is reserved via the refreservation property.

ZFS thin provisioning sparse ZVOL

它提供了目录、文件管理功能,以及影像内容的分类打标、人脸聚类等智能分析功能,基于内容的智能搜索能力,用户体系以及第三方身份系统接入能力。用户可基于此开发一套面向 ...

Thin Provision after the fact

2023年8月23日 — What checking the thin checkbox does is setting the refreservation of the datasets/zvols. You could try a zfs set refreservation=none yourpool ...

ZFS: Filesystem thin provisioning

2023年9月30日 — When creating a filesystem I can opt to enable Thin provisioning or not. I'm not sure how this affects the filesystem (= dataset?)? I thought ...

Does Proxmox with ZFS support thin provisioning of vm ...

2023年7月20日 — See, although ZVOLs are thin, by default they have refreservation=100% set. This means that the system won't allow you to snapshot that zvol ...

Thin Provisioning

2024年6月21日 — Thin provisioning is a storage management technique used to optimize storage utilization and efficiency. It allows administrators to allocate storage capacity ...

PVE-7.4-3: Create create thin

2023年5月2日 — Select datacenter > storage, then edit the settings for your zpool and tick thin provision. This applies to all newly created zvols.


2018年12月18日 — Thin provisioned are sparse files. Meaning only the actual used data is stored, everything that's still empty is skipped.

ZFS and Thin Provisioning

2006年8月12日 — Sparse volumes, better known as “thin provisioning”, allows us to set advertised volume size to almost anything we want and to use it just as if it actually ...

Why is there a thin

2022年5月31日 — I thought ZFS's datasets are always thin-provisioned by nature. Why is this option available in the storage target properties window?