
2021年4月28日—Theanswertothisproblemiscalled'thinprovisioning.Theconceptissimple,insteadofallocatingtheentireVMdiskontheunderlying ...,2021年4月28日—EnablingthinprovisioningmeansthatwhenyoudeletesomethingwithinaVM,theunderlyingstoragespaceonthehypervisorhostisalsofreed ...,2021年7月6日—Hieveryone!IamtakingmyfirststepswithProxmox,afterfindingthatwhatiwantedtodoinVMWarewasn'tfeasible.,2022年12月...

A guide to thin provisioning on Proxmox | Medium

2021年4月28日 — The answer to this problem is called 'thin provisioning. The concept is simple, instead of allocating the entire VM disk on the underlying ...

A guide to thin provisioning with Proxmox

2021年4月28日 — Enabling thin provisioning means that when you delete something within a VM, the underlying storage space on the hypervisor host is also freed ...

Proxmox Rookie

2021年7月6日 — Hi everyone! I am taking my first steps with Proxmox, after finding that what i wanted to do in VMWare wasn't feasible.

Proxmox VE ZFS 开启Thin Provision(精简配置) 原创

2022年12月28日 — 一、Thin Provision(精简配置)是什么? 精简配置(Thin Provision),有时也被称为”超额申请“,是一种重要的新兴存储技术。

PVE-7.4-3: Create create thin

2023年5月2日 — Select datacenter > storage, then edit the settings for your zpool and tick thin provision. This applies to all newly created zvols. RAW ...


2024年3月6日 — In this way thin provisioning allows you to create disk images which are larger than the currently available storage blocks. You can create ...


2023年11月23日 — This behaviour is called thin-provisioning, because volumes can be much larger than physically available space. You can use the normal LVM ...

Thin Provision after the fact

2023年8月23日 — First that is no RAW file it is a zvol, so a block device. Similar to what a LV on LVM would be. Thin-partitioned zvols won't grow when needed ...

Thin Provision Configuration

2021年8月19日 — Under proxmox node > LVM-Thin I tried to create Thinpool but my NAS storage is not showing.

What are requirements for thin provisioning?

2022年8月7日 — Moha said: 1. To have possibility to create thin-provisioned virtual machines, it's necessary to install Proxmox on the ground of ZFS.