
OpenAIisanAIresearchanddeploymentcompany.Ourmissionistoensurethatartificialgeneralintelligencebenefitsallofhumanity.,Learnaboutthemodelswe'recreating,thepartnershipswe'reforming,andtheimpactwe'remakingatOpenAI.,Webelieveourresearchwilleventuallyleadtoartificialgeneralintelligence,asystemthatcansolvehuman-levelproblems.Buildingsafeandbeneficial ...,OpenAI,中國大陸譯為開放人工智慧研究中心,是一...


OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.


Learn about the models we're creating, the partnerships we're forming, and the impact we're making at OpenAI.


We believe our research will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence, a system that can solve human-level problems. Building safe and beneficial ...


OpenAI,中國大陸譯為開放人工智慧研究中心,是一個美國人工智慧研究實驗室,由非營利組織OpenAI Inc,和其營利組織子公司OpenAI LP所組成。OpenAI進行AI研究的目的是 ...

OpenAI for Business

Build AI-native products and experiences · Accelerate your business with AI-powered solutions for customer service, knowledge management, recommendation engines ...


OpenAI is an American research organization, founded in 2015, with the mission to advance artificial intelligence (AI) development in a manner that would ...

Our structure

We founded the OpenAI Nonprofit in late 2015 with the goal of building safe and beneficial artificial general intelligence for the benefit of humanity. A ...

What Is OpenAI? Everything You Need to Know

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research company that produces services such as ChatGPT. Here's what you need to know.