
Hybridsecuritiesareinvestmentinstrumentsthatcombinethefeaturesofpureequitiesandpurebonds.,Ahybridsecurityisanassetthathasfeaturesoftwodifferentfinancialinstruments,likeabondthatcanbeconvertedintosharesofacompany.,...hybridsecurities,混合證券.中文:混合證券.解釋:指具有債務證券〔debtsecurity〕和產權證券〔equitysecurity〕雙重性質的證券。→convertiblebond ...,Alsoknownashybridcapitalinstruments,hy...

Hybrid Securities

Hybrid securities are investment instruments that combine the features of pure equities and pure bonds.

What Is a Hybrid Security and What Are Different Types?

A hybrid security is an asset that has features of two different financial instruments, like a bond that can be converted into shares of a company.

hybrid securities,混合證券,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!

... hybrid securities,混合證券. 中文:混合證券. 解釋:指具有債務證券〔debt security〕和產權證券〔equity security〕雙重性質的證券。 → convertible bond ...

Hybrid securities

Also known as hybrid capital instruments, hybrid instruments or hybrid bonds. Securities which are legally debt securities but that have some equity-like ...

Hybrid Securities Explained; Corporate and Bank Hybrids

A hybrid security in the simplest terms is just what it sounds like, an investment combining elements of different securities.

Hybrid securities

A hybrid product is a unique financial product that usually combines the characteristics of several instruments from different asset classes.

Treatment of hybrid securities

由 K Aberbach 著作 · 被引用 1 次 — Hybrid securities are securities that have a combination of debt and equity ... A type of hybrid security that has significantly grown is convertible securities.

Hybrid security

Hybrid securities are a broad group of securities that combine the characteristics of the two broader groups of securities, debt and equity.

Understanding Hybrid Securities

What is a hybrid security? 'Hybrid security' is a generic term used to describe a security that combines elements of debt securities and equity securities.


混合資本債券屬於混合型證券(Hybrid Securities),是針對巴塞爾協議對於混合資本工具的要求而設計的一種債券形式,所募資金可計入銀行附屬資本。