
Let'sgetstarted!Createanaccountandbecomeamultilingualwriter.Yourfirstname*Yourlastname*Youremailaddress*.,參考資訊:19小時前-FluentlyApp是一款非常強大的多國翻譯線上文件編輯器,支援多國語言,像是英文、日文、韓文、德文、法文等都有,跟一般翻譯器不一樣在, ...,Fluentlyisaminimalistic,fast,beautiful,andeasy-to-userichtexteditorthatallowsyoutofocusonwhat'simportant—yourcontent.Youcanstyle, ...,Beamo...

FluentlyApp — Write fluently in any language

Let's get started! Create an account and become a multilingual writer. Your first name* Your last name* Your email address*.

有推薦的文件翻譯工具嗎?FluentlyApp 簡單又粗暴的翻譯服務

參考資訊:19 小時前- FluentlyApp 是一款非常強大的多國翻譯線上文件編輯器,支援多國語言,像是英文、日文、韓文、德文、法文等都有,跟一般翻譯器不一樣在, ...

Fluently — Write fluently in any language

Fluently is a minimalistic, fast, beautiful, and easy-to-use rich text editor that allows you to focus on what's important — your content. You can style, ...

Fluently (@fluentlyapp) • Instagram photos and videos

Be a more productive multilingual writer and translator. · Photo by Fluently on June 07, 2020. · With Fluently, anyone can translate content (without losing its ...


小米推出米家辭典筆,隨手一拍、一掃就能多國語音翻譯和朗讀 · FluentlyApp 一款支援即時翻譯與提供完整文字工具的線上文件編輯器 · TEN旅行口譯機開箱– 出國好幫手,不只是 ...

FluentlyApp 一款支援即時翻譯與提供完整文字工具的線上 ...

2020年6月30日 — FluentlyApp 是一款非常強大的多國翻譯線上文件編輯器,支援多國語言,像是英文、日文、韓文、德文、法文等都有,跟一般翻譯器不一樣在,它有著完整的 ...


Fluently integrates multilingual writing and translation tools in one place, so you can be more productive while writing better in your foreign languages ...

FluentlyApp 線上翻譯工具支援全世界44 種語言

翻譯語言的部分支援全世界44 種語言,可以在上方修改目標翻譯語言。 文件翻譯英文. 接下來就是字典功能,不過目前 FluentlyApp 還在BETA 測試版, ...