
ArmedResponseisa2017Americanaction-horrorfilmdirectedbyJohnStockwellandstarringWesleySnipes,whoalsoservedasaproducer.,2016年6月21日在英國評論.80sActionMovieFeaturingTwoofHollywood'sBiggeststarsLeeVanCleef&DavidCarradine.ArmedResponse...armedresponse.2013 ...,AteamofhighlytrainedoperativesfindthemselvestrappedinsideanisolatedmilitarycompoundafteritsAIissuddenlyshutdown.Thecrewbeginsto ...,T...

Armed Response (2017 film)

Armed Response is a 2017 American action-horror film directed by John Stockwell and starring Wesley Snipes, who also served as a producer.

Armed Response [DVD]

2016年6月21日在英國評論. 80s Action Movie Featuring Two of Hollywood's Biggest stars Lee Van Cleef & David Carradine. Armed Response ... armed response. 2013 ...

Armed Response (2017)

A team of highly trained operatives find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound after its AI is suddenly shut down. The crew begins to ...

Armed Response (2013)

The owners of a failing security company start robbing houses to boost business.The owners of a failing security company start robbing houses to boost business.

Armed Response

SYFY A military unit attempting to find out what killed their predecessors find themselves trapped in a compound as strange events begin.

Prime Video

Suspenseful, action packed and starring Blade's Wesley Snipes. When a team of highly trained operatives find the bloody corpses of a missing team in an ...

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