
Runconfigurationsdrop-down...Troubleshootdeviceconnection.IfyourdeviceisnotconnectingtoAndroidStudio,trythefollowingstepstoresolvetheissue: ...,2024年5月24日—Iftheemulatorfailstolaunchduetotheerrorvulkan-1.dllcannotbefound,youprobablyneedtoupdatetheemulator.Toupdatetheemulator ...,Thissectiondescribesknownissuesrelatedtodebuggingandtestingyourapp.JUnittestsmissingresourcesinclasspathwhenrunfro...

Run apps on a hardware device

Run configurations drop-down ... Troubleshoot device connection. If your device is not connecting to Android Studio, try the following steps to resolve the issue: ...

Troubleshoot known issues with Android Emulator

2024年5月24日 — If the emulator fails to launch due to the error vulkan-1.dll cannot be found , you probably need to update the emulator. To update the emulator ...

Known issues with Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin

This section describes known issues related to debugging and testing your app. JUnit tests missing resources in classpath when run from Android Studio. If you ...

android studio 2.3 instant run not working on some devices ...

I can't launch my app on some physical devices with Android Studio 2.3 and Instant Run on . Disabling instant run can fix the problem for me, but this's not ...

Android studio

2017年2月23日 — So try opening SDK Manager from Tools -> SDK Manager, go to SDK Tools tab and uncheck Android SDK Platform-Tools. After applying changes install ...

Application won't launch from Android studio

2021年11月19日 — When I tried to test the app on my phone, the app won't launch. But when I tried the built sample activity in the android studio it's working on ...

Cant run my app in android studio how can i fix it?

2020年11月17日 — Just edit your run configuration by going to run -> edit configuration -> (yourapp) -> deployment target ; then choose a target device then run ...

Android Studio Not Working on Windows? Here's How to ...

2023年5月26日 — Android Studio Not Working on Windows? Here's How to Fix It · 1. Install the Latest JDK Version · 2. Configure JAVA System Variables · 3.

My Android app wont automatically run from Android Studio

2023年1月14日 — App starts on the device 90% of the time but sometimes, just randomly, Android Studio says Launch succeeded but actually it's not running.