

ProcessTamerTray.exe 是主要的程式
ProcessTamerConfigurator.exe 是設定的程式
CpuEaterVs.exe 是吃掉CPU的測試程式,未開啟ProcessTamer建議不要開啟...
[Extras] 資料夾只供有使用過舊版的人使用。(首次使用的可刪除)

附上官方網站的 Flash版解說



ProcessTamer 相關文章


【心得】兩個優化軟體Minimem + Process Tamer @玄武豪俠傳哈啦板

2010年5月15日 - Process Tamer電腦防當機專家、增加系統穩定性軟體介紹請到這邊看:pchome 最好的設定方式就是放著不要理他 這軟體好久沒用的說..........以前 ...

ProcessTamer ~解決開機時使電腦變慢的狀況 檔案下載&教學&介紹 @ inyoureyes = 在你眼中 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :

看到前一篇文章"RAMDISK使用心得及檔案分享"之後大家應該了解目前在咱們家服役中的可愛PC年紀十分之大了吧(^口^")一直以來小弟一向就是一個自行摸索的 ...

Process Tamer 2.11.01 free download

2013年5月24日 - Process Tamer 2.11.01: Optimise CPU usage by automatically adjusting process priorities.

【下載】Process Tamer 2.11.01

2011年6月10日 - Process Tamer用來優化電腦效能,許多程式執行時,電腦會派判斷優先順序,但有些程式的優先順序高卻會帶來占用整個記憶體空間的資源,而導致 ...

Process Tamer

Process Tamer, free and safe download. Process Tamer latest version: Control active processes and avoid CPU abuse. Multitasking enables you to open many ...

Download Process Tamer

Process Tamer is a tiny and super efficient utility for Microsoft Windows XP/2K/NT that runs in your system tray and constantly monitors the cpu usage of other processes. When it sees a process that is overloading your cpu, it reduces the priority of that



Process Tamer

Process Tamer would be especially useful on older, single-CPU PCs. Where there's no dual core (or more) to share the load, CPU management is essential. The best part is, ProcessTamer runs in the background with little to no intervention required. No s

Process Tamer - Free download and software reviews

2009年4月23日 - Process Tamer is a tiny and efficient utility that runs on your system tray and constantly checks the CPU usage of other processes. When it sees ...

ProcessTamer - Mouser - Software

If you like Process Tamer, check out Find+Run Robot and Screenshot Captor You'll see a balloon tooltip in your system tray whenever Process Tamer adjusts or restores the priority of an application, so you'll always know what it's doing and why