HTTPSniffer v1.2 - 網路除錯好工具

HTTPSniffer v1.2 - 網路除錯好工具

可以監控區域網路內的全部 HTTP 上網記錄

HTTPSniffer is a handy tool to capture and analyze all communications over the HTTP
If you need a handily tool to capture and analyze all communications over the HTTP protocol then xIBL HTTP Sniffer and Analyzer is a program for you.

HTTP Protocol Sniffer and Analyzer is useful for capturing and analyzing all communications over the HTTP.

HTTP transactions can be examined to see the HTTP header values, cookies, query strings and error codes. HTTP packets can be saved on the hard drive for future use.

HTTP Sniffer
and Analyzer supports all today's browsers and their plugins, as well as works with your own software.

Here are some key features of "HTTPSniffer":

· Monitor and debug all outgoing HTTP requests from a browser (or any other selected program) and corresponding responses from a server.
· See the full header and content data of both: HTTP requests and responses.
· Catch when the browser performs automatic redirects.
· Capture requests from all of the installed plugins (Flash, ActiveX, etc,) in addition to requests sent by a browser directly.
· View the captured images, HTML or XML code, etc in the built-in web control.
· Simultaneously analyze the same page in all modern browsers.
· Measure the size and downloading time of your web pages to optimize the performance of your web site.
· The gzip and chunked encodings will be automatically processed by the program.
· View information supplied by each web browser or any program when you visit a site.
· Analyze how other sites work and how they implement certain features.
· Learn about how HTTP works (useful for when programming and web designing).


· 523 MHz Pentium or better
· 10 MB free hard drive space

HTTPSniffer v12 網路除錯好工具

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