Steam Mover - 輕鬆解決apple備份位置空間不足問題,不用自己敲mklink指令囉!
Steam Mover - 輕鬆解決apple備份位置空間不足問題,不用自己敲mklink指令囉!


Move Installed Programs To Another Drive In Windows 10

2016年1月15日-Ifyou'renotsurehowtousetheSteamMovertomoveinstalledapplicationsfromanotherdriveinWindows10,completethegivenbelow ...

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Steam Mover, will it work for this? (SSD and HDD) - [Solved]

So, I heardabout this steam mover thing. I also just got a new HDD, is it possible to be on my SSD's boot and reinstall the games with steam mover on my hdd (which they are ...

Steam Mover - Free downloads and reviews

steam mover free download - Steam Mover, Steam, Mover, and many more programs ... Steam calculates the thermodynamic properties of water and steam for subcooled (compressed liquid), saturated, superheated, and supercritical...

Steam Mover Download - Softpedia

Steam Folder Folder Mover Steam Game Steam Mover Game Junction Point Steam Mover was reviewed by Elena Opris 3.5 / 5 DOWNLOAD Steam Mover 0.1 for Windows top alternatives FREE SpeedRunner EF Commander Free Q-Dir WinDiff PAID ...

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How to Move a PC Game to Another Hard Drive (Without Re

2015年7月1日 - Despite its name, Steam Mover is an awesome app that will move any game—Steam, Origin, or otherwise—and play it without re-installing.

Steam Mover

Have you run out of space on your C:\ drive? Or do you have a super-fast SSD that is too small to hold all your steam games at the same time? Then try Steam Mover. Following on from a very interesting post on the Steam forums I've created a little

Moving Steam Games With ( Steam Mover )

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Steam Mover 0.1

Download Steam Mover 0.1. Move your games from one drive to another. Steam Mover is a program that, as its name indicates, lets you move your Steam ...

Moving a Steam Installation and Games - General Troubleshooting - Knowledge Base

Moving a Steam Installation and Games How do I change the default installation path for my games? How do I move my existing Steam Installation? ...

Steam Mover - Free download and software reviews

2012年9月11日 - Steam Mover can be used to move any folder around (by changing the Source Path), but for Steam the maximum benefit is in moving individual ...

Steam Mover - 輕鬆解決apple備份位置空間不足問題,不用自己敲mklink指令囉!

Steam Mover - 輕鬆解決apple備份位置空間不足問題,不用自己敲mklink指令囉!

有用過 iPhone、iPad 的人應該都有備份手機的經驗,也會默默地發現系統空間越來越少,每次同步、備份都非常的佔空間,到最後都捨棄了備份,不過這樣一來又有資料遺失的風險,大多人都透過 mklink 來改變預設 iTunes 的備份位置,不過我實在很懶得記住 Windows 的指令,一直想說有沒有 mklink 圖形化的工具,現在終於發現 Steam Mover 這一款!真的是太方便了^^。

以解決 iTunes 備份佔空間的問題為例,Windows 7、8 的預設備份位置為「C:\Users\用戶名稱\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\」,XP 的預設備份位置為「C:\Documents and Settings\用戶名稱\Application Data\Apple Computer\」,不過預設是隱藏的資料夾。Windows XP、7 可以透過資料夾選項開啟系統隱藏資料夾與檔案,Windows 8 如上圖直接勾選即可。

開啟 Steam Mover 之後,第一步選取 iTunes 備份資料夾位置,第二步選取要移動到的硬碟或是資料夾,下方會有一個往右的箭頭,點下去之後會自動幫你複製以及執行 mklink 的指令。


若是不太信任軟體的話,可以勾選「I want to run the commands myself」,這時候就會跳出要執行的指令,自己可以再次確認後自己執行。

完成之後在料表上就會有不同方向的箭頭,代表已經完成了 mklink 的動作

mklink 有點類似 linux 中的 Soft Link,原本的路徑依然可以持續使用,不過實際上是將檔案存放到另一塊空間,檢查一下原本備份目錄、移動後的目錄大小,資料是一模一樣的唷!透過這工具真的比自己下指令方便非常多!

SteamMover 0.1.rar(MediaFire下載)
SteamMover 0.1.rar(DepositFiles下載)
SteamMover 0.1.rar(ZippyShare下載)
SteamMover 0.1.rar(Hotfile下載)
SteamMover 0.1.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:877 MB

Steam Mover

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